Sunday, January 3, 2010

Glittering In The Desert

Owned by Kora Zenovka, The Kindom Of Sand (SLURL) is a jewel glittering in the desert.



The sights and sounds of this sim show an painstaking attention to detail. There really is too much to look at for my imagines to give you a faithful rendition of this place.  One gets the impression that at any moment Scheherazade herself will appear to regale us with one of her stories.

That being said, the notecard you get when entering the sim explains the concept:

“Kingdom of Sand, KOS, is a Fantasy Sim set in an imagined Eastern setting. It has no intention of being historically accurate in any way, it is a total Fantasy.
KOS is not set in any period of history, it is a Fantasy time, and it never existed. However, Eastern architectural ideas are taken from many different periods and places to give a fake air of reality to this Fantasy land.

KOS has absolutely no connection whatsoever with Islamic beliefs or ideas. Nor has it connections with any other religious beliefs of any land. Please to not force upon it what is not there.”


I asked one of its residents, Phoenixx Karu, what he liked about roleplaying here and he answered:

Well its the people really  although there are a great many factions..and different personalities everyone that is a mainstay keeps to their guns very few if any step out of character unless it necessity..and when we leave the sim  for special events the friendships are there and the bonds you make transcend the RP sim itself



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