Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Meet My Psychotic Little Friend


I am sure we ALL have those stories in Second Life; The first time we accidentally wore a whole house on our heads because we didn’t understand how to rez things in-world, or the time we broke our hair or clothes textures by fiddling around with them so that you ended up looking like you came out of a Buggles video, or that time you accidentally ran over a Linden with a flying genital…

Well, I have my own little horror story, though this one harkens back to the days when I was trying to learn how to script the hard way- by tinkling around with the code. The story goes something like this…

During the time I was trying to learn coding I decided I would make a pet.  Just a simple little thing that would follow me around.

So I created this little monitor with a goofy smile and a floating text, "Will you be my friend?"  So yes, he looked something like this:


I decided that I wanted the damn thing to follow anyone that got close, a little bit like a lost puppy would follow you if it had lost sight of its owner and was lost and alone.

It was the worst. decision. ever.

I screwed up the speed , and the thing was set to physical, so of course it could collide with you. Let me remind you, this was back in the day before Linden Labs added some safeguards against this sort of thing.

The moment I released the bugger, my screen froze and then I suddenly found myself halfway accross the next sim, not knowing what had happened.

I could see this little  blue blip on the map (that is the way Second Life shows objects that belong to you) moving here, then there, then there, then here.

I ran in to find that a wedding had been going on next door, you see...

Just as the beautiful veil-bedecked bride was making her way down the aisle, in comes this computer with a psychotic grin on its face and "DO YOU WANT TO BE MY FRIEND?" plastered over it, zooms in and TWANGS the bride into a fricking tree !

Then it proceeds to bounce off the guests, sends the groom into the stratosphere and crashes him...

I essentially came into a disaster zone where people were being catapulted all over the place.

And all throughout, the eager smile, "DO YOU WANT TO BE MY FRIEND?" *TWANG* *TWANG* *TWANG!*

We had to call a Linden to stop it. The groom didn't come back, either, at least until the time I had left after apologizing to everybody and outrunning the lynch mob.


I didn’t try to code again for a whole year.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Inside A Colorful Mind

Prados Azules (“Blue Fields” in Spanish, SLURL) hits you like a Technicolor pie to the face. It is the place where the 80s went to retire, the place from which your childhood (if you were an 80s child) sends you postcards from time to time: Bridges made from legos, Mazinger Z and Pac-Man hanging about, it is a world of whimsy and color.

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The 109 Prim Circus (SLURL) is a different place, but no less imaginative. It is perhaps one of the most beautiful places in Second Life. It is ethereal, beguiling and mysterious.


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The only way I can describe this sim is to say that it is a cosmic music box.

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Kadar and I caught this couple dancing on the stardust.

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The following images are from a breathtaking chariot ride that takes you through a sidereal field, complete with ethereal animals and stars flying around you.

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These two places are a must for the visitor. Do not miss out on them!

Glittering In The Desert

Owned by Kora Zenovka, The Kindom Of Sand (SLURL) is a jewel glittering in the desert.



The sights and sounds of this sim show an painstaking attention to detail. There really is too much to look at for my imagines to give you a faithful rendition of this place.  One gets the impression that at any moment Scheherazade herself will appear to regale us with one of her stories.

That being said, the notecard you get when entering the sim explains the concept:

“Kingdom of Sand, KOS, is a Fantasy Sim set in an imagined Eastern setting. It has no intention of being historically accurate in any way, it is a total Fantasy.
KOS is not set in any period of history, it is a Fantasy time, and it never existed. However, Eastern architectural ideas are taken from many different periods and places to give a fake air of reality to this Fantasy land.

KOS has absolutely no connection whatsoever with Islamic beliefs or ideas. Nor has it connections with any other religious beliefs of any land. Please to not force upon it what is not there.”


I asked one of its residents, Phoenixx Karu, what he liked about roleplaying here and he answered:

Well its the people really  although there are a great many factions..and different personalities everyone that is a mainstay keeps to their guns very few if any step out of character unless it necessity..and when we leave the sim  for special events the friendships are there and the bonds you make transcend the RP sim itself



Blue Galaxies Smilin’ At Me

Imagine a world where beautiful vistas and advanced technology meet. The name of that world is Blue Galaxy, a role-playing sim by Ash Soyinka and company.

When I encountered Soyinka, she was too busy to talk to me about the sim, but we agreed we would speak to each other later. So, until I get the skinny on the concept and background of the roleplay that will take place, take a look at these images from this beautiful world!


The first thing you see is this impressive tower that projects a massive moving hologram



Moving a little further reveals a sort of science station with the hologram.


I decided to take the land route to take a closer look at all the little details


On the way I encountered some of the unique dwellers of this sim.





One of the salient aspects of this sim is the mixture of bucolic beauty and advanced technology.



The interior of the station is remarkable and it has a very distinctive look that sets it apart from the other science fiction sims.


The station has four teleporter bays that seem to transport the avatar to four different realms:


A winter landscape surrounded by ice and snow-peaked mountains…


A chamber suspended in the reaches of outer space… Galaxy_020

A fierce volcanic area….


And a charming pastoral villa.


Here is an image of a connecting bridge with flowing holograms running alongside it.


The interior of a store where one can purchase the local threads and avatars.


A gorgeous crystalline formation in the middle of the forest.


I found the fashions of this world irresistible, so for a few lindens I ‘went native.’


Lovely organic shapes mask the advanced technology present throughout the sim.


Stay tuned for more information about this fascinating world!