Saturday, September 26, 2009

That 'thing' about image...

How you present yourself to the rest of the world is something that many businesses spend months planning. Corporate image, presence, logos and mascots (if any) are a serious consideration. Many companies would rather avoid putting anything out unless they know it will be their best and most professional.

And then, there are some furries....

I want to give you a little peek of the logo so you can see it up close. Be prepared:

The lion logo is actually cute, and I think it'd work... but it's the genitals the size of cantaloupes that I think might throw a wrench in the works.  Now, I've talked with the owner of the business (He was there when I made my visit) and he seems like a very nice guy, but I couldn't bring myself to ask him about whether or not he realized that genital hypertrophy might be a bit of a put-off for a good deal of potential clients.

And, well, let's face it, there really is no rational reason for the lion to have goolies the size of Nantucket. I'm not a fuddy duddy but there are is such a thing as a contextually inappropriate thing. Unless you're in the business of sex, overtly broadcasting a fetish over a logo is unprofessional and a little immature.

You can visit this locale here, but be warned, there are some more goolies flopping around.

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